

Match de gala des vétérans 

touche (f) pour afficher le plein écran       

Guillaume à Fort Boyard



Le but d'Alban

Pénalty arrêté par Cédric

M.V.B.  : Gilles & Robert


 M.V.B. : Ragaleux & Besnard

M.V.B. : Stéphane


The Shape 5 CSS and JS Compressor plugin is the most revolutionary and flexible compressor plugin available for Joomla! This plugin can be used on any Joomla template. Read the full description below to see why.

The CSS and JS Compressor increases speed and performance by compressing your site's CSS and Javascript files to much smaller sizes than the original and places them in a cache folder on your server. No data is lost during this process, just simply made smaller. So what makes our's better than the rest? One word, FLEXIBILITY! Read below for a full description:

  • All other plugins force all CSS and JS to be combined into one file of JS and file of CSS. Our compressor plugin gives you the option to:
    • Only compress module files
    • Only compress component files
    • Only compress non-module and non-component files
    • Or combine any of the above
    The point is you can control what gets compressed independent of each other.
  • All other compressor plugins combine javascript files into one large file, called at the top of the page. The problem is javascript almost always needs to be called in a certain order or it will cause page errors. Calling a file at the top of the page that was originally intended to be called in a certain order will cause unwanted results. So we've fixed this and given you three options:
    • Call the compressed javascript at the top of the page in a combined file
    • Call the compressed javascript at the bottom of the page in a combined file
    • Call the compressed javascript in their original locations as individual files
    The first two ways will generate three files (module js, component js, and other js files) and will create less calls to your server. However, we HIGHLY recommend the use of the third option. This option will generate the same amount of calls to your server as without the plugin but will still compress your javascript to a much smaller size all while still being called in the original location to avoid script errors, in other words less download time for your viewers and no script errors!
  • Need to exclude certain files? Not a problem! This plugin will allow you to specify certain file names to be excluded from compression despite any previous settings.
  • Specify in the backend how long you want your cache to stay on your server. After the time has completed a new cached version of your files will be created.
  • Eliminate unwanted white space in your files be enabling CSS Optimization. This feature will remove any un-used white space to reduce the size of each CSS file.

Note: Because this plugin uses cached versions of your javascript and css this plugin should not be used while developing your site and should only be enabled after you have completed your site.

Gzip must be installed on your server and enabled in PHP in order to function.

See This Plugin in Action!

Without the Shape 5 CSS and JS Compressor Enabled:

With the Shape 5 CSS and JS Compressor Enabled a 72% DECREASE IN DOWNLOAD SIZE!

I like what I see! I want to JOIN TODAY.

The S5 Spotlight News module is demonstrated on the homepage of this site and can be used on any Joomla template. There are two copies of the module one on top of the other.

Show case off your newest article or setup a nice looking news gallery for your site. Your newest article will be shown as a spotlight article with features such as showing pictures, read more link, created date and more settings to show off this particular article. Older articles will show as links below the main spotlight article.

This module comes with the following features:

  • Choose a category and section to pull content from.
  • Choose the total number of articles to be shown.
  • Choose to show or hide images for the first article.
  • Choose to show or hide the read more link for the first article.
  • Set your own read more text.
  • Set the number of characters to be shown in the titles and the body of text.
  • Configure font sizes and margins for all areas of text shown in the module, this includes titles, text bodies, read more links, dates and more.
  • Choose to enable or disable the created date
  • Display the read more link on the left or right side of the first article.
  • Create multiple copies of the module on the same page.

I like what I see! I want to JOIN TODAY.
This template is compatible with all the major 3rd party components available for Joomla. The following are just some of the ones available that work great with any Shape 5 template. A template itself should in no way hinder the functionality of a component. Although we haven't tested every single Joomla component available we can say quite confidently that this template will be compatible with any Joomla extension you use with it.

And many more!

The S5 Drop Down Panel is a slide down panel that can be demo'd at the top of this page. The panel itself contains six module positions. You may publish any module that you wish into these positions. It comes packed with features so be sure to check out the list and screenshot below.

  • Customize almost everything! Shadows, borders, gradient, opacity
  • Contains 6 module positions drop_down_1, drop_down_2, drop_down_3, drop_down_4, drop_down_5 and drop_down_6
  • Auto adjust to the height of your content
  • Set your own open and close text
  • Auto collapse if no modules are published to it
  • And many more features!

Screenshot of Drop Down admin in template configuration area:

Did you ever need to create a page where this is no article present or no component to be shown, and only load modules? This template makes it all possible! From the template configuration page you can hide the main content area on any page on the site.

Below is a screenshot of this function from the configuration page, found under the General tab:

The lazy load script is a great way to save bandwidth and load your pages much faster. Images that are not visible on the initial page load are not loaded or downloaded until they come into the main viewing area. Once an image comes into view it is then downloaded and faded into visibility. Scroll down this page to see the script in action.

Setup is very easy! By default this script is disabled, in order to enable it simply choose All Images or Individual Images from the drop down, as shown below from inside the template configuration page.

All images will load every standard image on the page with lazy load. There is no extra configuration or extra code to add with this configuration, it will just happen automatically. Individual images would be used if you want only certain images to load with this script and not all of them. To do this simply add class="s5_lazyload" to the image like so:
<img class="s5_lazyload" src=""></img>

This script is compatible with Firefox3+, IE8+, Chrome14+, Safari5.05+, Opera 11.11+

See the script in action:

Derniers résultats


01/12Senior BTVFC 2 - LOUVIGNE DE BAIS 23-0
01/12Senior CBALAZé 3 - TVFC 31-4
30/11Senior ALA VITRéENNE 2 - TVFC 0-0
29/11VétéranTVFC - LE PERTRE-
24/11Senior CST AUBIN DES LANDES 2 - TVFC 31-3
24/11Senior BTVFC 2 - SERVON 22-0
24/11Senior ABALAZé 2 - TVFC 0-1
17/11Senior CTVFC 3 - HAUTE VILAINE FC 21-5
10/11Senior ATVFC - ARGENTRé 23-0


Buteurs Seniors


Nom PrenomButs
NEVEU Nathan6
BOURY Jimmy3
BETIN Alban2
COLLET Titouan2


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